Costa Rica leads the way for ocean protection

The “Immersed in Change” forum is one of the most relevant diplomatic events in the world when it comes to environmental policy. The 2024 edition was hosted by a country celebrated by its trailblazing commitment to ecological consciousness: Costa Rica. 

The event serves as a precursor to the crucial United Nations meeting in France in 2025, and brought together delegations from 50 countries to tackle the pressing issue of ocean wellbeing. As such, the main slogan for the event was a “peace declaration” for the environment.

Over two intensive days, participants engaged in debates, calls to action, and presentations of successful initiatives, sharing knowledge to drive collective action. The final declaration from this forum calls for transformative ocean actions that support nature-positive economies, leveraging the best available science, traditional knowledge, and innovation available.

Costa Rica’s initiative serves as a foundational framework for the discussions at the III United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) in June 2025 in Nice, which is co-organized by France and the small Central American nation.

The urgency of Costa Rica’s mission is palpable in its declaration, where emphasis on how the ocean can no longer endure humanity’s mistreatment and indifference, and the championing of sustainable uses of marine resources was at the core.

Other key topics at the forum included governance, global warming, fishing, and marine biodiversity, all aimed at informing decisions to be made in France. A significant focus was on the ratification of the High Seas Protection Treaty, signed in 2023 by over 70 countries. This binding agreement seeks to protect ocean areas beyond national jurisdictions, with the creation of marine protected areas as a pivotal tool.

Currently, only about 1% of the high seas are under conservation measures, so much work needs to be done to safeguard biodiversity and align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Paris Agreement, set to be achieved by 2030. The declaration of peace for the ocean commits to protecting or conserving at least 30% of marine and coastal areas by the year in question.

The “Immersed in Change” forum has set a vital precedent for ocean protection, with Costa Rica leading the charge towards a healthier, more sustainable relationship with our oceans.

Embrace Costa Rica’s Coastal Richness

Costa Rica’s Independence Month tends to be a great spotlight for the myriad of national customs and traditions that make this small Central American nation such an alluring setting. Most of the time, Costa Rican identity is constructed around the iconography imported from the Nicoya Peninsula and the agricultural history of the country, which merits their acknowledgment but aren’t the only kind of expressions the ticos know about.

The Pacific coastline stretches way beyond the Northern province of Guanacaste, boasting in Puntarenas a captivating tapestry of experiences and traditions that’s underrepresented in the national consciousness. For example, architectural enthusiasts will have a hard time finding better examples of Victorian coastal buildings than Puntarenas, with its iconic pier and many prominent houses from the earlier half of the 20th Century. This comes in conjunction with the older colonial buildings from the 19th Century, which are mainly seen in churches and cathedrals in the Spanish fort-like construction.

In terms of music, Puntarenas boasts a blend of folk colonial music intertwined with the Colombian cumbia and the “tambito generaleño” from San Jose’s Southern communities. It’s very tropical in texture and blends perfectly with the festive aura that permeates the summer carnivals and colorful parades.

Perhaps one of the ticos’ favorite reasons to visit Puntarenas is experiencing its culinary delights, which mainly revolve around seafood. Combining pre-Hispanic indigenous diets, Spanish colonial cuisine, and immigrant contributions. Ceviche is the area’s signature dish, featuring diced fish, chucheca, or shrimp marinated in lime juice, mixed with onions, sweet pepper, cilantro, and salt. It’s served cold with crackers, boiled green plantains, or “patacones.” Variations may include vegetable oil, Worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce, Tabasco, or mayonnaise. Other seafood dishes include whole-fried fish, grilled lobster, and various preparations with garlic or butter. Soups are prepared with shrimp or seafood, and traditional African-influenced dishes like “vigorón” (cracklings with cabbage and cassava) showcase Puntarenas’ unique flavors. Local beverages include “resbaladera” (rice and cinnamon drink), tamarindo, coconut water (“agua de pipa”), horchata, and more. For dessert, there isn’t something as iconic as the legendary “granizados,” an icy treat featuring shaved ice, syrup, powdered milk, and condensed milk, particularly the local favorite “Churchil”, a popular variety with added ice cream for which Costa Ricans nationwide have visited the coast to try for generations.

This is just a small sample of the kind of cultural delights that abound in Puntarenas and the Pacific coast’s heritage, another element that enrichens Costa Rica as a multicultural and diverse destination and makes this popular area a must-visit, even beyond its paradisiacal beaches and astonishing national parks. 

Two new plant species are discovered in Costa Rica

This is a new reminder that this small Central American nation is one of the planet’s most bountiful ecological settings.

Costa Rica is known internationally as one of the world’s most abundant corners in terms of biodiversity. Be it its enchanting mountain areas like Chirripó, Irazú, and Poas, its immersive tropical jungles all around the country, or the paradisiacal beaches on both coasts, this small Central American nation is truly a treasure trove for nature lovers worldwide.

Bird-watching tours, whale sighting adventures, and a myriad of activities devoted to plant lovers are all just glimpses of how Costa Rica shares its blessed environs with visitors. And the thing is, no matter when or where you explore Costa Rica, there’s always something new to discover, another natural spectacle waiting to manifest itself. A clear example is the recent discovery of two new plant species in the country: the Sternospemation coques and Ilex hamelii. 

These plants are endemic to Isla del Coco and the Guanacaste mountain range, respectively, but draw interest in the country as a whole. Just how many other nations can casually announce these relevant scientific discoveries from two independent investigations, in two different areas of the country? After being peer-reviewed by some of the most prestigious scientists in the world, the announcement of each one of these discoveries came by way of recent publications released almost side-by-side, which naturally garnered attention once again to what’s widely considered to be one of Earth’s oasis.

Given Costa Rica’s continued commitment towards preservation and conservation areas, as well as the importance of its national parks, it wouldn’t be a surprise to continue seeing more and more of these breakthroughs happening in the country. After all, ecotourism has grown in popularity in the last decade, elevating the country even more as an unmissable destination.